Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Creepy Crawlers

I was sitting on a stool and watched the hugest, creepiest spider crawl right onto my grandma's foot! It's body was like an ant's, well maybe more like a tarantula's. It was furry, although yellow, its body about 3 inches long! Each leg was also about 3 inches long, about the thickness of a licorice rope, and furry and black! Grandma, of course, flicked it off and it went running under my stool. I lost sight of it and heard a gasp, "Lisa!!" and FELT it race up under my shirt on my back!!!

I sat up gasping for air in a panic... I HATE dreams like that! I think I just may have passed out out of sheer panic had that been real!

I know my brain put it all together because I was thinking of Grandma earlier in the evening as well as having seen a wolf spider escape into a box while I was cleaning. Usually I'm okay with out of sight, out of mind. Guess I wasn't as okay on this one as I normally am.


  • At 3:58 PM , Blogger Mari said...

    I hate dreams like that! (and spiders)

  • At 8:05 PM , Blogger Jeanna said...

    I HATE SPIDERS!!! THEY ARE OUT OF CONTROL OUT HERE!!!! I laugh at people falling too!!


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