Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Weirdness of Dreaming

So this is how my brain correlated all the recent events into one incoherent story:

Jarrod & I are on a bridge of some kind....don't know if we were walking or driving. I think walking. A flood of water hits us - I come up out of the water first and shout & wave to J as I see him emerge a little way off. We make our way through the water - sometimes the ground disappears but we make it okay to - ?? - somewhere. There are people there, and we're comfortable with them, but it's not home.

We make plans to leave - we try to get a hold of Amy (Jardine) Dansie, but can't. (St's ex-fiance')

I dreamt of what happened to her. When the floods hit, she panicked and pulled out a long barreled pistol. Someone banged on the door and she opened it and shot. It was a police officer. She freaked out and ran inside. Another officer came in and she shouted that didn't mean to do it and was pointing the gun at that officer. Another officer snuck up on her and grabbed the gun and pointed it at her (but he was very calm and relaxed about the whole thing). Then they took her away.

Jarrod and I went for a short walk trying to find our way in the flooded area. In this outside stairwell was an animal that was lost and abandoned. I went over to it. It was a miniature pony - hemmed in by the waters, and frozen with fear. I picked it up to comfort it and began to carry it back with us to get it some food.

Then I woke up.

How random.
So the floods came from all the flooding in the midwest I hear about in the news. Don't have any idea where the rest came from.... Amy? And then she shoots police men? Miniature horses? Any of ya'll out there know how to interpret dreams?

One of my weirdest to date!


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