Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Answers....and questions.

I found it very interesting that in Stake Conference our visiting General Authority (Elder Callister of the 70's) talked on that very subject! It's a big bad scarey world out there, but all you need to do is Have Faith and keep doing the best you can. Not exactly those words - but to that point. It was very comforting to hear. He also touched on a point I've been mulling over lately: Trials. He said the trials we go through are always unexpected - otherwise they wouldn't be trials. Makes so much sense when he says it! But I have found myself repeating over and over, I just never thought I'd go through this in my life - I just never thought I'd feel this way or have these questions, etc. I guess the trials are such that we are tested in our faith to see if we'll keep having faith. Just how obedient are we going to choose to be? I want to be the good girl, I do. But do I want that more than I want what I want? What do I want (really really want)? Yes, to be happy - but what kind of happy am I wanting? The NOW happy? And is that happy going to be an ETERNAL happy? Or is just that sweet tooth talking that's going to cause a cavity? Do I have enough faith to know? Am I living so that I can be Spiritually in tune to know which is which? What if I'm not. What if I don't want what I feel Heavenly Father wants for me? Do my head and heart always have to be in such conflict? Or even do they have to be in conlfict now? Why can't I have everything I want? (Pouty lip!!!!) I'm having a hard time coming to terms that that just may be the case. On either hand I feel like I'm choosing to lose something that I want. I do need to do my lovely pro's and con's list again. That usually helps me sort out this kind muddle.

At least my last post got me a call from my bro. Not so much that he worried about me. Just wanted to find out how St is doing. Turns out he got to find out for himself - in person!!!! St's job took him to Philly tonight - so Day took advantage of it and went to visit! YEA!!! I am quite looking forward to finding out how that went - and if Sage got to meet Nucle St??? *sigh* I love my family!!!! They are all such really good people!!!!


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