Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Low Energy Day

So I sat here for 5 minutes trying to figure out what to write... I'm more in response mode than create mode today. But I am letting guilt spur me on - I can't wait for the update from the sisters, so I'd at least write since it's been longer that I haven't written. Probably because I've used up my writing finesse in responding to theirs. And oh, yeah! I was out of town for most of last week! So I guess I can catch it all up now...
Last week went to a training to learn how to crunch numbers and filter out unnecessary numbers, and then how to figure out which was which. Yes, major brain stuffing - too tired to really go and play. Too tired to complain about the sliding door that gapped 1/2" onto the miniature deck of my 12th floor room. But I did write up a book on the small "How are we doing?" form about the registrar who could care less if I was a rabid people eating alien, or just a nice little lost girl as long as he cleared me off of his desk as quickly as possible, reminding me of all of the fees for everything there. I might as well have paid the extra few dollars and stayed at the hotel down the street where my training was. Nope - I wasn't impressed.
BUT! I did find myself in the middle of the Stampin' UP! Annual Convention!!!!! Everywhere I turned ladies with multitudes of cards, pins, stamped up gift ideas carried in over-sized shoulder bags. It was AWESOME!!! There is no other group that I feel so comfortable striking up a conversation and being able to carry it past the obligatory, "Where are you from?" In fact, I can't think of any other strangers I'd even dare say more than "Hi!" to! I even got myself invited to eat dinner with a trio of Stampers as I was walking on my way to be lonely again at meal time. One part of company traveling that I really enjoy is eating out on the company dollar - and finding a good place. (I did sacrifice my intention of going to the Macaroni Grill for Mexicana to eat with company...well worth it!) I found a place that served Mediterranean and I had the best Red Pepper Hummus I've ever tasted!!! And thought of Ber when I read that there is weekly Live Poetry readings. Found out later it was the upstairs of a saloon. (All of you who know where I work will get the irony of that...) ;)
Got home and enjoyed time with the Big Boy. Decided to stay home from Rock Climbing on Saturday because of all the catching up I had to do at the house (no, it's still not done!) - and it's a good thing I did! The "Smaller" Boys called to say they would be home at about 1. 1 on the dot and they came through the door!!! I've loved the Hugs I'm still getting every time they pass by or the little waive of a hand at least, if not even a peck on the cheek. And J bought me and his daddy little souvenirs with his own money (license plate tags for your keychain that have our names on them!). What a sweet, thoughtful little guy!
But interestingly enough - my nice Big Boy has decided it's his cyclical time to forget being positive and it's okay to vent all frustrations and in general just be poopy and tell me I'm the one who's being poopy. Go figure. So I did a reality check this morning and decided - I do have room for improvement, (like attitude and being nice and not pouty and saucy). But! That does not mean I have to take just shut up and not express my side of the story - I just have to be nice and compassionate about it while I do it. So I tried figuring out how to do that and I think I've got a pretty good idea on it - now it's just getting the guts to bring it up 'cause I really don't want to fight about it, (Not enough energy) rather than just letting the subject drop until the sore spot arises yet again. This is what happens in the Red/Blue, Blue/Red relationship... lovely emotional drama on one side or the other.
And then!! The power bill is SO atrociously high it's sick!!! And so would we all be if we didn't have A/C!! We've had rain to contribute to the cause (thank Heavens!), but it just adds a muggy stickiness rather than the just plain, melting. I don't know how ya'll over the Southern way can stand it! I finally had the car washed and it hasn't even rained yet on it - just the bird deciding my clean windshield was the perfect place to dump. I laughed at that one. It's just the irony of it all - do birds prefer a clean target to a dirty one? (Not a ton of trees or lines in St G to park under...)
And I can't wait to visit Portland!!!!
And I'm trying to figure out why I am SO short on fundage lately? It doesn't seem like we're spending more than normal! But I really don't want to look at it closely enough, because I know I'm the culprit. It's the proverbial Ostrich syndrome (stick my head in the sand). (Mom's got the perfect facial expression for this - the one where she curls one side of her upper lip and grumbles under her breath with little other facial movement, well- maybe an eyeball roll, but not much of one. Ya know - it says, "I'm not happy with the situation, but there's nothing I can really do about it except grumble so I'll deal with the situation, I'll just grumble while I do it".)
I'd really just love to curl up into my book (I'm actually yielding and reading a "popular book" - the Da Vinci code...). I'll let you know what I think of it when I'm done. I'm always cynical about something that becomes so popular, (unless I liked it first before it became popular).
Alrighty - until later!


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