Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Momentous Occasion

I am the mother of a 12 yr old!!! Crazy! It's wonderful to see him start maturing (OK so he only has 2 inches to go before he catches up to me, has paws the size of a catcher's mitt, his feet are only 1/2 size smaller than his dad's, his voice is reaching its octave depths, and he needs to shave his mustache!!!! AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!) - I love his good moments! I told him I hoped he got all the poop out while he was 11. I think I can only handle about 1 yr of those puckered brows and prune lips per kid. And since his li'l bro gets to be 11 this week, he needs to be over it. He's been pretty good about that. Quit his bottle at age 1 when I told him he he was big enough that he didn't need it, hit Terrible Two's at 1 and got over it, starting walking right before li'l bro was born. An early starter! Good thing I didn't hold him back a year at school either - being one of the youngest kids doesn't seem to be making a difference for him right now. Good thing. I have seen a spike in the maturity level the past few months too . It's nice to see him helping out so much - he even came out and helped me unload groceries the other day without me asking at all! That was impressive. I love his good moods! It's also been a great thing to have other mothers come up to me and tell me how polite and nice he is and that they're glad their boys have picked him for a friend. Proud Momma. In my mind it's little things like these that does make him worthy to be a Priesthood Holder. I have high hopes and expectations for this kid! I know he can DO IT! It is a Momentous Occasion.


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