Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Life Defining Moments

I got invited to a workshop tonight that I can't go to - but the Topic really peaked my interest.

Can you briefly describe a "Life Defining Moment" (when, where, who) and how it has impacted your life? Started me thinking.... Well, Can you? I thought I might just list "titles" and then maybe later I can fill in stories.

(in no particular order):
- Overhearing my dad tell my mom that I have a hard time expressing myself verbally.

- Deciding that my chosen career was not conducive to being a mother, so I chose to be a mother, and delay the career.

- Realizing I want to be classy, old lady - like the older women I admire. So I need to change my dress standard.

- Understanding what my role in life is, pertaining to my husband.

I'll have to think if there's more....
And then fill in with the stories.


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