Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Meanest Mom in the World

I think I'm up for that award today. But I think my kids are rather spoiled and it's not pleasing to me. I term spoiled as "expecting perks" and "lack of gratitude". The hardest thing about parenting (at least for me, so far) is Discipline! I hate having the kids mad at me - and sometimes I can see how it really appears to be unfair. I believe I depend on my anger to enforce discipline - it's harder to do it because it's for their own good and I can see their side of it. However, I can't allow them to spit in each other's faces claiming, "well, he did it!", "no, I didn't", "it was an accident!" They are sometimes just downright rude to each other! And the anger towards me for calling them on it. Sheesh! And the back talk I get, too. I deserve some of the blame for it, since I argue right back or don't give consequences for it regularly. Well, I guess starting now at 11&12 is better than later! Especially no matter how much I don't like to do it. Just take away their favorite privileges when they either talk back, or treat each other rudely. They've just gotta learn! And they won't if I don't teach. *sigh* Parenting. [And I'm only at the beginning of the Really Fun part, I know!!]


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