Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I've been discovered! Thanks, bro!!! Now I can confess that yes, I was a little jealous of the attentions the younger girls got from you...but of course - I love 'em too much and enjoy your responses so much that I can't wish them not to have your attention. It was just a minor "me too" wish that I didn't have a strong enough desire to bring it to anyone's attentions. So that is why I feel SO special now!!!!
So I've printed out the advice and I'm going to attempt to memorize it and put it into practice.
I've decided I was just PMSing really bad - which I don't do very often and I hate to use that as an excuse. But it's just too coincidental that it was that time and I was so moody that even I could recognize how ridiculous I was being and had no real reason to be that way. My hubby has even really been going out of his way to try to meet my emotional needs! Poor guy!
I'm back to being normal, I think. My usual looking-on-the-bright-side-of-things self. Yea! It's good to be BACK! And to feel the love that I know is there from you guys and my family.
Yeah, bro - I forgot about the affects of marriage on guys...they do have a tendency to get a little thicker in the middle and a little softer when they get their lovely woman taking care of their tummies. I'm guilty of doing that to my hubby... When I want to do something special and thoughtful for him I will almost always turn to what goody I want to get him. He's been training me over the years that that is not what he wants because he really doesn't want to get fat! Very hard lessons to get through this thick head that has such a major sweet tooth!
Again I get chatty.
I really thought I might post something along the lines of Memories...Ric got me going thinking about our relationship growing up - watching her girls hitting that stage of being so very different. *sigh* Growin up was so fun to do. And look at what it did to us all? Very fine people I think. And I know I'm not that humble, but taking me out of the situation and being remote and removed. Yeah, we're still awesome people.
What more say I?
(Just check in and you'll see more I'm sure!)


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