Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Just Catchup...

Nothing spectacular has happened...the past 2 weeks or so have been rough so I just haven't wanted bring ya'll down with my dour attitude. This week's somewhat better, although over-cast and a little rainy. I'm not complaining because it's cooled things down and it actually matches my mood as of late. I'm just run down and tired.
Oh, the minor event for this morning is that I almost passed out - quite surprised myself! I had a suspicious mole so I went into the dermatologist and had him remove it (they are doing a biopsy even though the mole was symmetrical and smaller than the worrisome size). I just don't think it was normal because it was darker than all my other ones and it got bigger - so let's ZAP it before it can really cause some problems. I discovered it by my legs being WAY itchy - like some kind of rash or something that you couldn't see! I think that was from an old lotion that must've broken down chemically with age since I've used it least a year, probably more. And as the doc was checking the legs out he pointed out the white spots weren't a rash but flat warts. I'd forgotten that I'd had them before and my regular doc suggested I just leave them be and they'd probably go away, which they did, I thought. But either they're still there, or they're back. So now I've got a perscription and a small stitch in my shin. I find it really odd that I got woozy. I don't like not having control over my body - but I'm discovering age has a way of taking that control away. Or maybe that's just life - but more gunk is happening to me since I've reached my 30's. Ah, well. The maturity that I gain with my 3o's to me, overrides the physical fall-apart.
So here's a copy of the Fam Report. I'm really enjoying the kids. They can really be thoughtful!

Okay - can't be outdone by my bro! [He finally wrote a smidge, and I hadn't this week...] I'll take my turn at the fam update. There's not much to tell... It's been rather hot here too - but that's to be expected. We have had some nice moisture lately and this week has cooled down. Good thing, too, since my A/C in my car totally conked out on Saturday!! It blows hot air really well. That poor car really needs a major overhaul! The engine's knockin' too. *sigh* Ah, well...hopefully we can scrape together a few pennies to get it looked at in the near future. As for this week and next I am not going to worry about - or much else! I'm going to concentrate on enjoying myself!!! I'm so excited to get to go to Portland with St and to see all of my siblings! I'm just wondering how we can cram a whole bunch of years worth into just a few days!! I guess enjoying to the max is the best we can do!
The kids started school yesterday and are pretty excited about most of their classes. J really likes the band teacher - he's quite a character....his own personal emphasis is the tuba, so those band people out there can get a pretty good insight right there! J has the same math teacher Ch had last year, and then Ch has him again this year for Utah history - it's a good thing I like him. Ch struggled in math - but I think it's the kid more than the teacher! Hope this year is better. I was proud of Ch for pulling out his papers and working on them right away before he did anything else! Yes, Mom - I did praise him and said that I hoped he did more of the same throughout the year! We've also offered an incentive for straight A's, as Ch is pretty motivated when it comes to specific rewards. J's pretty good with just rising to the challenge to do a good job, but gotta keep up the positive reinforcement. Ch is thinking he'll like his career skills class the best. He's actually looking forward to the cooking part, and he'd like to make himself a body pillow. Oh, yeah. Ch got to go on his first week-long scout camp about 3 weeks ago. Yup- rained on him everyday, but he still enjoyed it. Back to school - they're happy to be back in. They have a few friends in their classes already and Jarrod didn't get lost on his first day of 6th grade like he was worried about. So good.
St seems to be enjoying being sergeant - he doesn't talk about it much. He usually talks more about work when he's stressing about it. We've been taking a spin class (stationary bikes) at the recreation center and the boys have joined in once or twice. It sure makes you sweat buckets - so you feel like it's been worthwhile afterwords without too much risidual muscle-aches afterwords (I probably don't push myself hard enough then, right?).... It's also not high-impact on the knees, which I need. I've been making great use of our BBQ grill the last few weeks. We got it cleaned up and our Nutritional Plan that we've put ourselves on (just small, healthy meals every couple of hours) calls for a lot of protein without I'm grilling with vinegar marinades. Some have turned out better than others, so it's been pretty enjoyable. I basically cook up a whole bunch, then cut it and baggie it in meal sized portions so it's like our own fast-food. Lots of greens and veggies, and good healthy carbohydrates (like potatoes, rice, jicama - I still won't eat squash, though!).

I'm looking forward to the Portland air to give us breath of fresh air and rejuvenate the blood. I do love life. I am grateful for my children and the love they have for me. I feel their sweetness right now. I feel my parent's love for me. I know HF is there, He's just letting me deal with it until I learn what I need to from the struggles we're going through right now. Just waiting for this to pass and wondering if there is something I can do about it - hoping I can learn what I need to sooner than later and hoping that it doesn't take my whole-body effort into changing because I'm tired and don't know that I can do that right now. I'd love some fresh, mountain air that's not too cold to be able to just exist. I'd like to be able to rise to that level.

And she keeps going! I need to nourish this body. A little sick of me to enjoy feeling the martyr of the faintness I feel from not eating.... The human can be quite stupid sometimes. :)

So I leave you with a smile, faint - but it's there. Trials will pass. Life will be enjoyed again. I am wrapped in a huge hug of family love. I know it. It's all good.