Which Kind of Parent Are You?
In my Ed Psych class we got to talking about parenting styles.... I got wondering what the kids would say about us? Someday I may get brave enough to ask them.
The Drill Sergeant:
Controls, makes all the decisions, and is the jude jusy and executioner.
The Helicopter:
Handles the controls, makes the decisions, rewards those that don't create problems, and rescues.
The Consultant:
Kid thinks for himself, makes decisions & lives with the consequences, kids problems are opportunities for growth.
Are you thinking "oh dear!" to yourself like I am? I know which one we all wanna be like and dream of being! Don't wanna be authoritarian or permissive (although, I know I am!). I know I'm not rejecting or neglecting!
So how do you awesome parents do it? How do be the Authoritative parent (not the authoritarian)? I would like to be able to figure out how to give high warmth and high control? How do keep on top of the lil bodies with clear limits, enforce the rules, and expect mature behavior? I think I do okay in the democracy side of it. I'm just not good at dishing out those consequences!
Just thinkin....
The Drill Sergeant:
Controls, makes all the decisions, and is the jude jusy and executioner.
The Helicopter:
Handles the controls, makes the decisions, rewards those that don't create problems, and rescues.
The Consultant:
Kid thinks for himself, makes decisions & lives with the consequences, kids problems are opportunities for growth.
Are you thinking "oh dear!" to yourself like I am? I know which one we all wanna be like and dream of being! Don't wanna be authoritarian or permissive (although, I know I am!). I know I'm not rejecting or neglecting!
So how do you awesome parents do it? How do be the Authoritative parent (not the authoritarian)? I would like to be able to figure out how to give high warmth and high control? How do keep on top of the lil bodies with clear limits, enforce the rules, and expect mature behavior? I think I do okay in the democracy side of it. I'm just not good at dishing out those consequences!
Just thinkin....