Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Letter to My Family and Friends that I'll Never Send

I. HATE. Politics! I really do. I don't use the word often. But I am angered and saddened and even frightened about the divisiveness of the current American political climate. I got brave enough in my anger to express a contrary opinion to a few family members who've taken a particular stand on a current issue. I was not surprised that it was not well received. I don't disagree with them that this country is full of inequity. That the color of our skin matters. That if the color of your skin is a pigment a shade "too dark" there will be those that are paler will express a "less-than" attitude. Yes. I understand that. It is unfair. I don't disagree that there are inequities when it comes to gender equality. I don't disagree that the payscales are unfairly meted out (I have been in the business world and have experienced it first hand). I don't disagree that there are leering men who think it's a compliment to ogle at a woman and laugh at her discomfort. I also don't disagree that a wolf protected is not going to cause environmental havoc. I don't disagree that a person has a right to bear and arms and protect themselves, to use it to hunt to put food on the table, to stop a predator from destroying your livelihood, or for sporting ranges. I also know that those that experience same gender attraction need to be loved - and loved openly. I don't disagree that members of the LGBTQ community need protection from those that wish them harm. I digress a little. However, I'd like to point out there are many platforms today in which we can, do, and should take a stand. I was told my resolution was not "good enough," though. I was advised to take a step back and observe. I am doing that now. I observe that when one has taken a stand on one of these platforms, anger and fear frequently override an open mind to someone that disagrees. I see some mock the one who has taken a stand on one issue upon which I've actually never heard him pontificate on myself. I hear them tease him - lovingly - but there's also an eye-rolling that takes place that indicates the attitude of, "you're just 'one of them that doesn't get it.'" I see them get on their own platforms. They take many things that aren't about their platform and they pull it in, make comparisons to point out injustices that high light their own agenda. I am frustrated by the pots calling the kettle black. I would love for each of us to listen to one another with respect, with a desire to understand where the other is coming from. I am tired of the listening style being one of only trying to find the point in which we can respond to dash the other's opinion down - or - to use it to validate our own agendas. Right here, I'm raising my own hand! I am guilty of the "Response-only" mode of listening. I get it. Let's develop a higher quality of listening. Let's validate one another. Let's be kind. I would love for us to build one another up with positivity. This includes how we project our opinions on our social media. Instead of pontificating to try to sound smart, let's educate one another in a way to inspire action, and include action plans and resolutions. Let's increase our love. Let's decrease our fear and shame. Let us use anger to give a trajectory into love with concrete, loving action plans. Let's make this world a better place in a concrete way instead of just talking, pointing, and telling others to just be quiet. Let's not shut each other down and indicate that the differing opinions are invalid by being unwilling to listen. Appreciate that each one of us feels strongly about these things and be willing to listen to their story. Ask questions to learn. Do not use the answers to suit your own purposes and promote your agenda. Do not use anyone's answer except as way to to understand why they believe the way they do. And love them. Please love them. Love is validation. Love is listening. Love is respect. Love is speaking up with kindness. Love is a unifier and not a divider. Is love enough to solve problems? Yes. It was the way Christ, our Savior, taught us and asked us to resolve our issues. Let us study, learn, and practice what our Savior has asked us to do. Love is the greatest commandment of all. Love is what I believe is the master key to change. Is love enough? Yes, I believe it is. Post settings Labels Schedule Permalink Location Options


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