Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ramblings of the Music Life in School

I survived another Recital! This one was better than the others - nothing exciting happened; no losing my balance, no totally wrong notes, no major words forgotten (although I did make up one line!), and I made all of my entrances. I can critique it to death and point out what I don't like, but we're our own worst critics. I suppose I won't be satisfied until I pin all the notes with seemingly effortless and constant, steady tone and fly through the words with the greatest of ease - like the Divas I watch in concert on YouTube. It all comes from practice, which I should do more of. And I'm lazy. One of the reasons why I haven't ever been totally gung-ho on being in vocal performance. And I do get a bigger high out of the sounds elicited from choirs (being in one or directing one)! When those chords are in perfect harmony and you get the tingles running up and down your body!
So I've learned of a competition in the Spring that I will basically have to have 6 numbers prepared, 3 for each category (Art/Classical and Musical Theatre). I'll do two of the numbers I already have done (the French one and the fast Spanish one that I did this time). So I should be just fine in learning the next four songs - especially since they will all be in English. Although it won't sound as good just making up words if I forget them. :)
And I'm conniving with the other 2 top female students to do a trio program - The 3 Divas! Seriously fun!!! One is 36, tiny and a redhead and the other is tiny, blonde and 18 (and getting married in the Spring!) So we'll see if we can do this! How fun to find like voices - and that we all love each other. We've got fabulous music and theater departments. The people there are truly so kind to each other and are genuinely caring! Not too common in such a competitive environment with so many artsy and highly emotional type of people. We have Divas, but no Prima Donnas (male & female alike). Love it! Love it, love it!!!
Oh! Here's the link to the Recital pieces :