Real World Dreamer

Here I (sometimes) creatively compose/expose my thoughts, dreams, nightmares, and most of all my Wishful Thinking I'm so fond of contemplating.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Invigorated by Madeleine L'Engle etc.

In response to a note from Ric regarding this interview I'd read earlier and shared with her:

That interview does remind me of Ber, too! That's why I wanted you guys to read it! You can feel how deep her faith is by reading her stuff - (I'm going to find more in the library) and that's stimulating to me.... She's got a very strong personality - very invigorating to "listen" to her. So my problem in my house is my husband so wants us to just fill our hearts and minds with everything Gospel oriented. He doesn't enjoy reading Novels, so he has a really hard time comprehending that they can be worth-while, especially Fantasy and Sci-Fi. (And, yes - that's what the kids and & I really enjoy...) It is a source of frustration for him. I think I could probably eventually get him to read The Wrinkle books though. He eventually came around with the Screwtape Letters, (after he'd told me that it was a baa-aad book, but then heard it being quoted in conferance by some General Authorities). I know that it's easy to get side-tracked away from the Gospel! I also think that not being exposed to anything else is to isolate yourself and leaves yourself open to be a lop-sided personality. I worry that too much of only 1 genre (in anything in life) also can lead to being being, do I dare say "bitgoted"? Some Exposure with a good Foundation is to creat a good balance. (Keep in mind the difference between exposure and experimenting!) I think that's a good reason why none of us kids truly rebelled. We had enough exposure to see the reality and be able to make our own choices without being forced into obedience. I have difficulty explaining this for some reason to him - I get too distracted to easily and can't carry a train of thought for longer than 30 seconds, maybe? I write much better than I talk....

Ya, so hence the Novels rather than Notes. Verbose she be - and unrepentant for it.